News Broadcasts
Fox 61 UConn Distribution of Air Filters
UConn health distribute air purifiers amid smoky skies (10 pm)- Misty Levy -Zamora, Marina Creed
Bad air quality in CT (5, 6, 10, 11 PM)
UConn Health giving out air filters (4:30, 7:30 and 8:30 AM)
WFSB UConn Health Distribution of Air Filters
Protecting yourself from smoke (5, 6, 7 PM)
Leftover (Air Filters being Handed out at UConn Health (7 AM)
NBC CT (6PM and 11 PM)– UCH
Wildfire Smoke Impact on Pets Misti Levy -Zamora
CBS Newspath (June 9-10 syndicated nationally airing on 50+ local CBS news stations)
UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative Gives Away DIY Air Filters & How-to Build Your Own Device – Marina Creed, APRN

Brian and Company w Marina Creed — September 15, 2022
Marina Creed, a neuroimmunology nurse practitioner in the UConn Health Multiple Sclerosis Center. Re: UConn students built an air purifier out of furnace filters, a fan and duct tape and it traps COVID-19 virus