School of Education

Todd Campbell, Ph.D.
(860) 486 0515
Dr. Campbell’s research focuses on science teaching and learning. He is leading efforts to design curriculum resources that engage students in sensemaking science and engineering experiences around Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in informal and K-12 science learning environments.
School of Engineering

Fayekah Assanah, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Residence
(860) 486-5838
Dr. Assanah is the team lead for ENGR 1166: Foundations of Engineering, a core course for all first-year engineering students at the University of Connecticut consisting of over 400 students. She has developed and implemented project based lessons to build Corsi-Rosenthal boxes for all first year engineering students through this initiative.

Kristina Wagstrom, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
(860) 486-1715
Dr. Wagstrom is an expert in air pollution. She is leading the monitoring campaign testing the effectiveness of the Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in settings throughout Connecticut.
School of Medicine

Doug Brugge, Ph.D.
Professor, Chairman of Department of Public Health Sciences
(860) 679-8814
Expertise in air pollution and health; leading a clinical trial of air purifiers in near highway homes.

Marina A. Creed, APRN, FNP-BC, MSCN
Co-Principal Investigator, Clean Air Equity Response (CLEAR) Study
Director, UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative
Neuroimmunology Nurse Practitioner, UConn Health Multiple Sclerosis Center
Instructor, Department of Neurology
Motivated by the disproportionate impact COVID19 had on her immunosuppressed patient population, Marina launched the UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative in August 2021 to expand patient care beyond exam room walls and into the community. After pitching her vision for pragmatic solutions to indoor air quality to drive down disease transmission to members of the UConn community and forming a team, she drove community partnerships and has been awarded $310,000 in private grants to study, create, and distribute DIY Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes to public schools, libraries, day care centers, and homeless shelters.

Bruce Gould, M.D.
(860) 679-4322
Bruce Gould, MD, FACP, is Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Founding Associate Dean for Primary Care (1995-2022) at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He served as the Founding Director of the Connecticut Area Health Education Center Program from 1996 through February 2022. He is Medical Director of the Community Health Center Association of CT (CHCACT), and Medical Director for the Hartford Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). He served as medical director of the Burgdorf Health Center, a community health center serving the north end of Hartford, CT from 1988 to 2016. He works with community and academic partners to create services that directly support care of medically underserved patients and communities.
These partnerships provide interprofessional training opportunities for health professions students which enhance their knowledge of team-based care and care for vulnerable and underserved populations. He is also the founder of and advisor to the Mobile Free Migrant Farm Workers Clinic which has served Connecticut’s migrant farm worker population since 1997. Since 2018 he has been working with Herb Virgo, and the Keney Park Sustainability Project on the development of the Urban Ecology and Wellness Center Project.

Jessica Hollenbach, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
(860) 679-2000
Jessica Hollenbach is Co-Director of the Asthma Center at Connecticut Children’s and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. Her primary research interests include the implementation and dissemination of effective asthma programs in underprivileged communities , as well as understanding the developmental origins of childhood asthma to better prevent disease. “My main focus of research is pediatric asthma and I do clinical translational research using community-based research methods,” explains Hollenbach.
Dr. Hollenbach is interested in understanding the relationship between chronic stress and asthma, using a novel biomarker known as hair cortisol. She also studies how stress translates to asthma exacerbation and greater asthma morbidity, focusing on communities that experience disproportionate rates of asthma, particularly the Latinx and African American communities.
Asthma Center - Connecticut Children's School of Medicine Collaboratory on School and Child Health

Misti Levy Zamora, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
(860) 679-4351
Dr. Levy Zamora has expertise in how personal choices impact exposures to air pollution and the corresponding acute health effects. She will be working on the in-school air monitoring campaign and assessing how the individuals hosting the boxes perceive the Corsi-Rosenthal boxes and the changes in air quality.
School of Nursing

Michelle Cole DNP, MSN, RN, CPN
Associate Clinical Professor
(860) 486-0960
Michelle Cole DNP, MSN, RN, CPN, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Connecticut, Director of Pre Licensure Programs and Director of Global Learning for the School of Nursing. As education leader with expertise in pediatric and public health nursing, she is committed to the development of the next generation of nurses. Her work extends outside of the classroom to local and global communities. Her areas of interests include pediatric clinical practice, global clinical immersions and supporting students in their professional development and journey to cultural awareness and sensitivity.

Angela Starkweather, Ph.D., R.N.
(352) 273-6323
Formerly at UConn during the inception of this project, Dr. Starkweather has helped to coordinate the boxathons and community engagement of Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in CT public schools. She continues to collaborate with the team on dissemination of “best practices” for coordinating the boxathons, allocation, and maintenance of Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes.
The Jackson Laboratory

Sarah Laskowski, M.S.
Strategic Communications Leader
(800) 422-6423
Sarah Laskowski focuses on engagement and communications, helping communities around Connecticut and beyond understand the importance of air filtration and implementation.