Campbell, Todd

Todd Campbell, Ph.D.


Department Head, School of Education

About Dr. Campbell

Dr. Campbell’s research focuses on science teaching and learning. He is leading efforts to design curriculum resources that engage students in sensemaking science and engineering experiences around Corsi-Rosenthal boxes in informal and K-12 science learning environments

Dr. Campbell is the Department Head of Curriculum and Instruction and a Professor of Science Education in the Neag School of Education. His research focuses on cultivating imaginative and equitable representations of STEM activity. This is accomplished in formal science learning environments through partnering with pre-service and in-service science teachers and leaders to collaboratively focus on supporting student use of modeling as an anchoring epistemic practice to reason about events that happen in the natural world. This work extends into informal learning environments through a focus on iterative design of informal learning spaces and equity focused STEM identity research.

Here are some of the honors and awards Dr. Campbell has received over the years:

  • David Blick Science Education Award (2016). Awarded by the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut to recognize and encourage innovative and/or collaborative efforts in science education by the University or its graduates
  • Million Dollar Researcher Award (2012). Awarded by Utah State University’s Office of Research and Graduate Studies.
  • Researcher/Scholar of the Year Award recipient (2012). Awarded by Utah State University’s School of Teacher Education and Leadership.
Todd Campbell

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UConn Education Office
School of Education
249 Glenbrook Road, Unit 3064
Charles B. Gentry Building
Storrs, CT 06269-3064